Why Learn Spanish Online. Here are 8 reasons why

Why Learn Spanish Online. Here are 8 reasons why

# Back to Blog Why Learn Spanish Online. Here are 8 reasons why Creado por Published FollowFollowFollowFollow Learning Spanish online has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It is estimated that more than 22 million people study Spanish...
A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Pronunciation

A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Pronunciation

# Back to Blog A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Pronunciation Creado por Published FollowFollowFollowFollow Spanish pronunciation is one of the most important aspects of mastering Spanish. With Spanish being the second-most spoken language in the world, it’s...
Can I Really Learn Spanish in 6 Months?

Can I Really Learn Spanish in 6 Months?

# Back to Blog Can I Really Learn Spanish in 6 Months? Creado por Published FollowFollowFollowFollow Learning a new language is a fantastic way to broaden your horizons, improve your brain function, and access new opportunities. Spanish, in particular, is the second...
 The 10 Most Common Onomatopoeias in Spanish

 The 10 Most Common Onomatopoeias in Spanish

# Back to Blog  The 10 Most Common Onomatopoeias in Spanish Creado por Publish FollowFollowFollowFollow If I step on a lego in English I’ll say “ouch!” but in Spanish, I’ll yell ¡Ay! And in English dogs bark with “woof” but in Spanish dogs bark guau. It may seem that...
The Eight Ugliest Words in Spanish

The Eight Ugliest Words in Spanish

# Back to Blog The Eight Ugliest Words in Spanish Creado por Publish FollowFollowFollowFollow As population multiplies, especially in Spanish-speaking countries, as well as the influence that the hispanic culture is having on the global arena, the number of Spanish...